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Showing posts with the label ZAL

Zarea Limited will be listed today

Zarea Limited will be listed today and will trade under symbol ZAL. Opening Price Rs. 16.5 Excerpt from Prospectus of Zarea Ltd.........."ZL is a Digital Technology Company that specializes in B2B commodity trading in Pakistan. ZL provides a platform that connects B2B buyers and sellers through its website ( and mobile app (Zarea). The platform is accessible for everyone, and the Company charges a Platform Usage Fee (PUF) on each transaction completed on its platform, earning revenue. For each commodity, PUF is charged as a fixed percentage of the total value of the transaction and is part of the gross transaction value charged to the customer. This fixed percentage varies for each commodity and ranges between 1% to 10%. Typically, the PUF is collected at the time of delivery, and since delivery may be carried out by a logistics provider or supplier, the collection is carried out by them. Since its inception in 2020, ZL has successfully dealt with four commodity sectors: ...