Tuesday 28 March 2023

The State Bank of Pakistan's Roshan Digital Account

The State Bank of Pakistan's Roshan Digital Account (RDA) helps overseas Pakistanis open and operate digital bank accounts in Pakistan. The initiative was launched in September 2020 and has since then been providing a range of benefits to overseas Pakistanis. Here are some of the ways in which RDA is helping overseas Pakistanis:

Convenient and secure digital banking: RDA offers a convenient and secure way for overseas Pakistanis to open digital bank accounts in Pakistan. With RDA, overseas Pakistanis can open bank accounts remotely without having to visit a bank in Pakistan. This makes banking easier and more accessible for overseas Pakistanis.

Investment opportunities: RDA lets overseas Pakistanis invest in Pakistan's stock market, government securities, and real estate projects. This allows them to participate in Pakistan's economic growth and benefit from investment opportunities.

Remittances: RDA makes it easy for Pakistanis living abroad to send money to Pakistan. They can do this by wire transfer, online transfer, or credit card transfer.

Access to local services: RDA provides overseas Pakistanis with access to a range of local services, such as bill payments, tax payments, and online shopping. This enables overseas Pakistanis to conduct transactions and avail services in Pakistan easily and conveniently.

See More Here.