Sunday 12 March 2023

MARI: 2nd Quarter Earning Release - Dec 2022

MARI earned Rs. 83.6  per share in the second quarter ending December 2022. The company also announced a cash dividend of Rs. 89 per share.

EPS in second quarter was almost 12% down on Ist quarter, but increased 49% on the same quarter last Year. MARI boosted the cash dividend to Rs. 89 in Dec 22 compared to Rs. 62 per share in December 2021.

Sales was down more than 8% compared to the Ist quarter. Exploration Cost in the 2nd quarter was substantially higher than first quarter this year.

MARI: Mari Petroleum CottmDec22Sep22Jun22Mar22Dec21
Q2 - 2023Q1 - 2023Q4 - 2022Q3 - 2022Q2 - 2022
EPS (Rs.)30383.5695.3142.0181.6356.00
Cash Dividend (Rs./share)15189062062
Net Income After Taxes (RsMill)40,35511,14712,7155,60410,8897,471

MARI's twelve-month trailing EPS is now Rs. 303 and a twelve-month trailing cash dividend is Rs. 151 per share, translating into a  PE of 4.94 and a dividend yield of 10.1%.

At times the Company's production is hampered by rains, floods, security situation, power sector low demand, or Urea manufacturers planned maintenance shut downs.

MARI: Mari Petroleum Coqoq%Dec22Sep22Jun22Mar22Dec21
Q2 - 2023Q1 - 2023Q4 - 2022Q3 - 2022Q2 - 2022
Net Sales-8.3%29,17731,82527,51725,19921,692
Gross Profit / Loss-15.1%17,47220,58840,50215,62313,945
Operating Profit / Loss-28.2%13,78919,20623,3939,3049,841
Financial Charges-1.8%4324402,915245244
Profit Before Taxation-12.9%16,82719,32512,58515,00311,481
Profit After Tax-12.3%11,14712,7155,60410,8897,471
EPS (Rs.)-12.3%83.5695.3142.0181.6356.00
Cash Dividend (Rs./share)89062062
GP Margin59.9%64.7%147.2%62.0%64.3%
Tax Rate-33.8%-34.2%-55.5%-27.4%-34.9%
Sales growth-8.3%15.7%9.2%16.2%
EBIT Growth-12.7%27.5%1.7%30.1%