Tuesday 28 March 2023

Recent history of IMF and its Agreements with Pakistan

The International Monetary Fund has made several agreements with Pakistan over the years. Here's a brief on the latest ones.

The current, Extended Fund Facility (EFF) Arrangement (2019-2023): The IMF approved this program in July 2019. It gives Pakistan $6 billion in financial assistance. The goal is to support Pakistan's economic reform program and help with the country's balance of payments problems.

Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) (2013-2016): The IMF approved a three-year program in September 2013 to help Pakistan's economic reform program and balance of payments difficulties. Pakistan received $6.6 billion in financial assistance.

Extended Fund Facility (EFF) Arrangement (2008-2011): This was a three-year program that was approved by the IMF in November 2008. The aim of the program was to support Pakistan's economic reform program and help address the country's balance of payments difficulties. Under this program, Pakistan received $11.3 billion in financial assistance.

Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) Arrangement (2001-2004): This was a three-year program that was approved by the IMF  in December 2001. The aim of the program was to support Pakistan's economic reform program and help address the country's balance of payments difficulties. Under this program, Pakistan received $1.3 billion in financial assistance.

Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) (1998-2000): This was a two-year program that was approved by the IMF in November 1998. The aim of the program was to support Pakistan's economic reform program and help address the country's balance of payments difficulties. Under this program, Pakistan received $1.5 billion in financial assistance.

In addition, the IMF has also had several other agreements with Pakistan over the years, including the Structural Adjustment Facility (SAF) and the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (ESAF).

Over the years IMF has expressed concerns over the slow implementation of some of the structural reforms that were part of the program.