Saturday 25 February 2023

HBL: Habib Bank Ltd

HBL announced Financial Results for the Year Ending 31 Dec 2022.

Cash Dividend: Rs. 1.5 per share. This is in addition to Rs. 5.25 already paid. Making a total of Rs. 6.75/share for the whole year.

EPS (Year 2022) Rs. 23.23 (last year Rs. 23.88).

Profit after Tax (Year 2022): Rs. 34.4 billion, down 3% over last year of PAT of Rs. 35.5 billion.

Profit before tax had increased over 24% but higher income tax at 55% ( last year 43%) impacted the bottom line negatively. HBL Net Interest Income had also boosted by 26%. In addition 269% increase in 'Foreign Exchange Income' (Int) was nullified by higher income tax rate.

Last year the Government of Pakistan had imposed super tax on banks.

Non Mark Up/Operating expenses also saw substantial increase of 30%.

PAT for the 4rth Quarter 2022 was PKR 10.7bn (EPS: PKR 7.28), increasing of 28% YoY, but declining 7% QoQ.

Download the Earning Release. Link

Also see the Google Sheet. Link.